We will assume that you only need data since EU ruling on roaming charges make calls from overseas much cheaper, and getting a new number just for your holiday is unpractical. You can get prepaid data at various places around Iceland.

If we just caught you still at the airport, stop! In the Duty-Free store, you will find ELKO or 10/11 Convenience store after you clear customs to buy a sim card for your phone.

If you are not in a rush, wait until you get to Reykjavik. You can get them at places such as gas stations, convenience stores, tourist shops, booking agencies and much more.

Which one should I get?

There are three big carrier companies in Iceland; Síminn, Vodafone, and Nova. Síminn was usually considered above the other two, but the gap has tightened rapidly, and all three have acceptable signal throughout Iceland.


  • 500 MB: 800 ISK
  • 1 GB: 1500 ISK
  • 5 GB: 2500 ISK
  • 10 GB: 3500 ISK
  • 50 GB: 5500 ISK


  • 1 GB: 1290 ISK
  • 5 GB: 2290 ISK
  • 15 GB: 4190 ISK
  • 50 GB: 5290 ISK
  • 100 GB: 7190 ISK
  • 200 GB: 8790 ISK
  • 300 GB: 10.190 ISK
  • 500 GB: 15.290 ISK


  • 1 GB: 1490 ISK
  • 5 GB: 2490 ISK
  • 10 GB: 3490 ISK
  • 25 GB: 4490 ISK
  • 50 GB: 5490 ISK
  • 100 GB: 7490 ISK
  • 250 GB: 9490 ISK
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Reykjavik Attractions